-Schedule a final water meter reading if you are moving in or out of a property. Reads are taken electroncially; you do not need to be present on your read date.
-Please give two business days notice prior to your scheduled read date. Meter reads are not scheduled on weekends or holidays.
-Reads cannot be taken for a date that has already passed, so select the next business day if this situation applies to you
Closing Date (Meter Will Be Read This Date, Excluding Weekends and Holidays)
Service End Date (Meter Will Be Read This Date, Excluding Weekends and Holidays)
Service Start Date (Meter Will Be Read This Date, Excluding Weekends and Holidays)
Name for the Utility Invoice
Additional Names
Mailing Address (If Different from Service Address)
Address to Mail Your Final Utility Invoice To:
New Owner's Name
Additional New Owner's Name
Your Name