The person or entity indentified above requests customer information, including billing and usage data related to water services provided by the utility. Such information includes your account balance, payment history and total use per billing period. The information provided by the utility may include any other information regarding your account contained in utility records.
Your information is treated as private by the utility and can only be disclosed as permitted by Wis. Stat. 196.137. You are not required to authorize the disclosure of your customer information, and your decision not to authorize the disclosure will not affect your utility service.
By signing this form you acknowledge and agree that you are the customer(s) of record for this account and that you authorize the utility to disclose your customer information to the requesting entity listed on this form. This consent is valid until you terminate your service, or withdraw consent by sending a written request with your name and service address to: Neenah Utilities, 211 Walnut St., Neenah, WI, 54956. You may terminate this consent at any time.