Neenah Police Department Open Records Request Fee Schedule
All fees are due prior to the release of the record.
Per 2023 Wisconsin Act 253, Wis. Stat. § 19.35 (3)(h), fees will be assessed for the redaction of media at $25.00 per hour of video redaction time unless an exemption applies. Please see“Every act and every portion,after its date of publication." for exemption information.
Requests requiring research will be assessed search fees if the research time equals or exceeds $50.00 in costs at $25.00/hour.
Emailed Reports: No Charge (due to multiple state and federal laws, reports, containing juveniles, medical/mental health information and/or sensitive content will not be emailed.)
Printed Copies of Reports:
0-25 Pages: No Charge
26-50 Pages: $0.25
Digital Media Requests (Photographs, Body Worn Camera Video, Squad Video)
Media cannot be emailed, and actual postage fees will apply
2 GB USB: $2.00
4 GB USB: $2.10
8 GB USB: $2.30
Larger USB drives available for increased fees