211 Walnut Street
(920) 886-6115
It will only take a few minutes to complete this form. Gather any documents you might need before you begin. If you exit the form without submitting, you will have to start over.
If you need to provide additional information after submitting the questionnaire, feel free to send such items via email to
Assessment Contact Information: Email: Phone: (920) 886-6115
I am the
Mailing Address
How was the property made available?
Was the property made available to other potential purchasers?
Were there special factors affecting the sale?
Was the sale influenced by unusual circumstances? (for example: estate, duress, legal action, etc.)
Does the buyer hold title to adjoining property?
Was the property rented/leased at the time of sale?
Was the property vacant at the time of sale?
Was personal property (such as furniture, appliances, equipment, etc.) included in the sale price?
Do you believe the total sale price is a fair reflection of the market value for the real estate on the sale date?
Was there an appraisal made on the property?
Please provide/upload a copy of the appraisal.
Was a home inspection performed?
Please provide/upload a copy of the inspection report.
List any changes made to the property PRIOR TO THE SALE:
List any changes made to the property AFTER THE SALE:
Was the work performed by a professional?
Date Completed
Upload any additional documents:
I hereby affirm that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge: