By signing, I agree to the following rules and regulations:
ISSUANCE. Resident parking permits are issued by the Neenah Parking Utility and may only be issued to City of Neenah residents whose dwelling is adjacent to a permit zone designated for resident parking permits. Designated permit zones are identified on the City's website at: Availability of resident parking permits may be restricted at any time without notice. Issuance of a permit may be regulated by type of use, location of use, compliance with these terms and conditions of the permit, and/or contractual obligations. Replacement of lost or damaged permits are $5 per permit. All sales are final and no refunds will be issued unless an error in the amount charged has occurred.
TERM. Resident parking permits are valid for up to one-year period between January 1 to December 31 of each year.
APPLICABILITY. A resident parking permit only grants permission to a vehicle with a properly displayed permit to be legally parked within the permit zone identified on the permit, per City of Neenah Municipal Code ยง16-91(g). A resident parking permit is only valid within a permit zone of the same street and block number identified on the permit. Permit holders and permitted vehicles are subject to all traffic laws and regulations not explicitly superseded by the permit. A resident parking permit does not grant permission to park where and when a "no parking" restriction is in force, including overnight restrictions, snow emergencies restrictions, proximity restrictions, and posted restrictions.
DISPLAY OF PERMIT. The Neenah Parking Utility issues permit hangers for resident parking permits. Permit hangers must be either be hung on the rearview mirror or displayed on the driver side dashboard such that all text is clearly visible from outside the vehicle.
USE. Resident parking permits are only to be used by the household of the applicant and are transferable between vehicles. Permit hangers may be temporarily used for visitors of the applicant's dwelling, but may not be given to individuals who do not reside at the dwelling for extended periods of time.
LIMITATIONS. Each dwelling is limited to two permits at a time. A parking permit does not guarantee availability of any given parking space. Sale of parking permits is strictly prohibited. Resident parking permits are void if the applicant no longer resides at the dwelling the permit is issued to.
REVOCATION. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in immediate revocation of the permit, issuance of a parking citation, and/or suspension from obtaining future parking permits.